Drive the World to Your Website.

Who's using I.D. IT! Plates?

Just about everyone!

Webmasters - Small Businesses - Manufacturers - Corporations - Auto Dealerships - Political Organizations - Retail Stores - Limousine Services - Real Estate Companies - MLM's - Internet Businesses - Service Businesses - Schools - Universities - Trade Unions -  Associations - Churches - Individuals

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What are they doing with their Promo Plates? 
You name it!

  • Advertising and promoting their Web Sites and Businesses
  • Using them as Premiums and Incentives
  • Broadcasting their message
  • Creating Goodwill by giving them to customers and employees
  • Creating public interest in their products and services with catchy slogans that get noticed on the road!

 Order Yours Now

What do they put on their Promo Plates?
Anything they want!

Web Site URL's - Email Addresses -  Company Names - Slogans - Phone & Fax Numbers - Association and Institution Names - Personal  Messages and Favorite Sayings ....and the list is growing!

vote.jpg (39124 bytes)

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And where do they put them?
Mostly on cars for visibility, but some other places too.

members.jpg (40089 bytes)

Vehicles - Trucks - Vans - Taxis - Fleets - Buses - Boats

In the Office - On Office Doors - Storefront Windows - Walls - Filing Cabinets - Counters

At Home - In Home Offices - On the Mail Box- Bedroom Doors - Refrigerator Doors


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